Well, apparently yes ...
This news has spurred a flurry of activity in the Bris-XF mailing list,
which ultimately prompted my post to atxf.
It seems that people *are* interested in seeing the movie.
Lets see, apart from Reagan who initially notified Bris-XF and myself,
Demos, Hampster, JJ, EBE, Westyx, Creepy and Amy have all expressed
interest so it seems that X-iles ever is alive and well ... ok, maybe
"well" is pushing it, but there's something there. :-)
BTW, good to see you guys still around ... and still checking the
newsgroup! :-)
Post by DannyPost by Stephen Turtle... and all full of cobwebs and stuff.
Someone needs to bring a broom.
Yes, yes it is.
How about some news, then?
From http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/070715a.php
New "X-Files Movie" Next Summer?
By Garth Franklin
Sunday July 15th 2007 4:08pm
During the TCA (Television Press Tour) to promote Showtime series
"Californication", actor David Duchovny said that another "X-Files" film was
indeed going forward and that "Gillian [Anderson] is onboard."
IGN Movies talked further with Duchovny who claims the reason he was sure about
this script was because "I'm actually supposed to see it next week! Before I
would just say that [there was a movie] because they told me, but now, after
talking to Chris [Carter] -- he's been giving me progress reports - and he
actually called yesterday, and said 'Next week, you should have something to
Will it be standalone? "It should be. It should be a one-off, yeah." As for
potential filming dates? "I think it was November, for a summer release." When
asked if that would be summer 2008."
Despite the claims studio 20th Century Fox, who owns The X-Files, has not
confirmed the project.
Now here's the big question... does anyone care?
Seeya. Danny.
E-Mail: Danny (at) grovers (dash) sa (dot) com