Children overboard affair casts shadow on election campaign
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 00:45:32 UTC
Children overboard affair casts shadow on election campaign
Nah. The Australian people are smarter than that.
Is this a joke ?

Living in Australia 30 years and still waiting to meet smart0ne.

Smart people do not live here.

Except Next PM:

Plan of action:

1. Contribute to original post and repost it.
2. Read all posts. Comment, but appreciate other people's opinion. There is
enough abuse in The Parliament and we want to be more civilised.
3. Vote for the best ideas. After voting, copy/paste final version of
platform and post it everywhere (email, Websites, NG, Media sites - most of
them have forums). Send it to Senate and Parliament members. Maybe they
4. Print it and go public to find 500 people who agree with us. Bulletin
Boards in Shops, UNI, etc.
5. When 500 people join, register political party. The name of the party can
be Better Life Party. This is all what we want. Our only opposition are
people who want majority of Australians to live worse and keep existing not
very democratically system in which they are privileged.
6. YOU, who did the work of thinking and finding 500 people become election
candidate. It's "your business not mine" (Next PM)
7. YOUR platform is what we all agree is the best for Australia.
8. We all support YOU at elections by putting the strongest candidates from
2 major parties and other candidates who do not give preferences to them
9. This is it. See you in The Parliament House.

Next PM

P.S. Who I am? Does it matter?
Judge me by my ideas and my actions. I reveal my name when the time come.
Patience is virtue.
Maybe you can be better PM than me? Isn't the person walking in your shoes
the best you ever know?
Trust yourself and follow my instructions. At least try to be a candidate.
Only 6 people have to sign for you to go for Senate, 500 for the House of
You have nothing to lose even if you lose on next elections because you have
tried. Be proud - you are better than current PM and "would be" PM.
Even if you don't have political ambitions, you will be proud soon that you
voted for the better life of all Australians including better democracy,
freedom and justice.
Yes, you read the title correctly: I want to be the next Australian PM.
I am not happy with the current political situation (most Australians
aren't) and I think I have some good ideas for change.
You can say that I should first learn proper English, but that's the
point. I want to speak Australian AND NOT English.
If you share my opinion, please reply to this newsgroup and PLEASE print
this out and ask more people to participate.
No bad or useless comments please, as Australian political reality is not
very bright and I have genuine intent to make Australia the best country
in the world.
No bullshit like "we are lucky country" ... full of unhappy people with
the highest tax and the rate of suicide in the world.
Let's see what I think what should be changed.
That's my opinion, and I accept discussion and your opinions - more
constructive civilised comments will make Australia better place to live
if I am elected.
Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong, but I am listening, not only BEFORE
elections like other politicians, but 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days a
Changes of Constitution will be needed, but Constitution is just a piece
of paper with someone's signature on it like every other law, and there
were not so many Australians who have any input in the current
Constitution. Time to change for better, it's 21st Century.
1. Fully independent country (not pathologically dependant on UK or USA
like is the case now). It's nice to have a Queen, but I think Australia is
mature enough to have an Australian as a head of the state, and I hope I
will be the first one - call me the King or the President I don't mind. No
governors or other dignitaries. Work with results and you are paid.
Pretend that you have an important role - pay yourself from your own
pocket and act how you want or ask the Queen to pay you for entertaining
yourself and your friends which is the only current duty of the Governors.
Oh, I forget they have to be good freemasons too. There are many much
smaller countries in the world totally independent and self-governed. For
example, People of Monaco or Switzerland are very happy people, why not
We have much more resources than they have...
2. Direct elections of Parliament and Senate reps. Preferential system
scraped and who get direct majority of votes win. Works perfectly in all
the world. That includes scraping of ALL Parliamentary and other
privileges. If you are a member of parliament you get your wage (which can
be very high but you pay tax on it as everyone else) - no perks. No perks
anywhere else. Work is paid, NOT positions - all income is taxable on the
same rules. Same law for all.
3. All Australian citizens decide about all major issues 4 times (or more
or less if needed) every year on referendum. Works perfectly in
Switzerland and we are in 21st Century when everyone can vote cheap using
Internet, or snail-mail of Australian Post, which is IMHO, one of the best
things we have in Australia.
4. No discrimination. All Australians have same rights. This one is a hard
one, but can be done. That exclude Government from my home,family and my
I am a family man, but if you are homosexual that's your private business
if you keep it in your home. You can be believer of any religion or
atheist. That's private opinion not regulated by any law EXCEPT if you
directly treat other people. Absolute protection of privacy of family. No
Family Court or other crap forcing people to divorce and divide children
and properties to make lawyers rich. Obligatory prenuptial agreement (all
assets recorded BEFORE marriage), obligatory DNA test when child is born
(hey whores, motherfuckers and adulterers I got you!) and automatic
division of properties in case of a divorce (to be avoid if possible)
according to tax returns and prenuptial agreement. Children custody,
generally (there are exceptions due to disability of the parent) 4 days
with mum 3 days with dad (or swap weeks even months if more practical),
mutually agreed less , but who want less days with kids, have to pay to
other parent for that. It's a fact that mums role is more important from
kid's eyes, but roles are changing today and flexibility is needed, BUT
parents are for life and obligation of care for own children is on their
parents. Nobody can take children from parents, abandoning own children is
a crime same like not taking care about old parents. Marriage is generally
for life. If you were joking, pay all costs - no single mothers on
You screw your partner with someone else - pay alimony to the rest of your
life. Can't be simpler, no lawyers, no courts, no drama, no high costs for
the Government as family rely more on family members support - pure maths
in action. Work perfectly in many countries where there is no Centrelink,
and I tell you people there are more happy and stay all life with same
family. How much you put in your marriage is how much you get. Also, no
domestic violence cases without doctor's certificate and NO media
reporting at all about private maters like "I think that Bulldogs players
rape me in Coffs Harbour" BEFORE FINAL COURT DECISION. Heavy penalty for
scandalise, false accusation or vilification others. But, cameras are
allowed in the Court - no secrecy and protection of criminals like is the
case now. Same law for everyone - no judge opinion. And of course, no
foreign company running our prisons.
5. No political correctness. All reps in the Parliament and Senate MUST
obey voters will. If they don't, they are kicked-out by the voters.
Remember referendum 4 times a year? All reps get marks. So we will see
what marks Tony Abbott will get for framing One Nation or Downer for lying
about WMD. All reps have mini referendum BEFORE they can vote for changes.
Half automatic decision making.
6. All laws and regulations MUST be translated to plain Australian
language everyone can understand. All "grey" legislation written to be
manipulated by lawyers scraped. All new laws HAVE NOT TO BE in
contradiction of the part of 10 Commandments regulating relationship
between people, as this simple rules are accepted by all major religions
(Judaism, Islam and Christianity which is majority of Australian
population) and have no wrong to anyone who want moral, happy life and
honour and peace for everyone. Atheist do not need to obey worshiping
requested in the first few Commandments.
7. All not-Australians (people who don't held Australian citizenship) pay
higher tax. Currently, all strangers are robbing Australia and avoid tax.
8. All Australians have bulk billing fully paid by the Government. No need
for any Medicare or other Health schemes. Doctors are paid by the
Government according to the number of sick people (more sick - less pay
as they have to prevent people being sick). Work perfectly in China. Not
necessary doctor's interventions (for example: sick leave certificates for
healthy public servants to take more than 2 days off work, chat sessions
for pensioners who has nothing else to do than visit doctor,
hypochondriacs or breast enlargement etc..) must be paid from own pocket.
Bulk billing services financed from tax -see below. If doctors think they
are worth more than prescribed price of service, they can try to charge
more. If people are willing to pay they will make money but the risk to
lose patients is also there.
9. Free dental retirement for all Australians. See number 8. Basically to
fill the hole cost actually just few dollars and real price should be paid
by the government. Cosmetic beautification not needed for chewing is
private expense and dentist can ask how much money they want. Market
demand will regulate the price.Nobody can sue doctor, dentist, fireman or
other people that help if something goes wrong. Accidents happen.
10. Free Primary schools (with curriculum adjusted to the best European
practice). We don't want illiterate children after 8 years of school
education unable to do maths and show Australia on the map of the world,
which is currently the case. And I hate that the only foreign language
option for my kids is Japanese.
11. 35 hours work week (7 hours over 5 days). No overtime. More work has
to be done - employ more people. Work on weekends - employ more people and
pay penalty for work on weekends, holidays, and out of normal (let's say
between 8:30 to 18;00) hours. No experts on the job market - pay for
training to have them. It's called good management. Why does the
Government have to be responsible for your business? Invest your money in
your business to make more money. No work for the dole or teenagers
exploitation. Work has price and price is not in any connection with the
age of worker.
12. High School and College: partly paid by scheme similar to Austudy.
People who finish High School or College earn more money. It's fair they
return something.
13. Study at UNI: Businesses who want UNI educated workers should finance
them during study. It's called stipendium and it is implemented all around
Europe. If you want to study and no business want to finance you, pay for
it yourself as you will earn more money after graduation. I don't believe
in poor students from poor families in Australia. People are only poor if
they are stupid and waste money. Everyone can live quite comfortably just
from Centrelink payments. Ask me - I do. My kids have everything from my
pension and my savings from my worktime. It's called financial planning.
Take responsibility for yourself!
14. Centrelink: All 27,000 people employed there can start looking for new
job. It's 21st Century and in Australia when you start to work you fill
existing red form given to Tax office by every employer so your Centrelink
payments automatically stop. When your job is finished, there is form call
separation certificate so your Centrelink benefit can automatically start.
Same benefit covering basic life expenses for all Australians with
automatic ALL bills payments as the first priority. No benefit for
non-Australians. No black job market or work for cash. Who makes money can
pay the tax.
15. Tax: Same flat rate for everyone calculated on formula like: We need
$xxx for Australian budget so we need to collect $xxx this year. This is
exactly how much we collected last year with some adjustments. Can't be
simpler. No tax deductions, business expenses and other claims, no need
for tax agents etc. As said before, foreigners (including British citizens
living here for ages refusing to become Australians) pay higher taxes.
16 Foreign Policy: Every country get exactly what they give to us. No
discriminating FTA or Social Security Agreements and other rubbish. If USA
or any other country wants FTA let's talk about TOTAL abolishment of
custom taxes on both sides and free export and import. If this can't work
forget it. Protect our jobs and products by custom duty. Why do I have to
pay for a kilo of Australian apples for $6 in Australia and I can buy them
for only 50 cents in America? Immigration for more people (not by boats)
with obligatory first 3 years in the country. Citizenship after 3 years if
the rules are obeyed (staying in the country and no law breach).
17. Defence: No Australian soldier can be involved in any military
activity outside Australia. No Iraq, no Afghanistan, no East Timor -
people living there has right to arrange their living as they want if they
need help there are UN in New York for help. Imperialism is dead. All
Australians have duty to defend Australia INSIDE the Australian borders
and should be trained for that. Works perfectly in Switzerland. If
Australians want to fight wars outside Australia it's your private
business, but don't expect that I will take you out from Guantanamo Delta
18. Freedom of speech: no broadcasting licences (same apply to liquor and
gambling). Heavy penalties for disinformation and no help should be given
to gamblers, alcoholics and drug users. Your choice to damage your life is
your private problem and as per 14. bills are already paid....
19 Crimes and prosecution: Reduce number of crimes by abolishment
penalties for not damaging activities. For example: no excuse for murder,
paedophilia, drug trafficking and other serious crimes, but no speeding
tickets and cameras on roads build for 200 km per hour (all freeways and
many roads) if you drive according to road capabilities and there is no
accident. Loss of licence and other penalties if you cause severe damage
or death. Also, abolish restraining orders (penalising for not committed
crime in most cases without intention to commit the crime). Sent
applicants to psychiatrist to ask for help for paranoia. Clear,
legislations in plain Australian language. Legal Aid automatically awarded
to both sides: 2 options are no lawyers or both have lawyers.
20. Abolish outsourcing and keep jobs here. As said before, all foreign
business should be taxed. Why Australians have to give more money to
already rich strangers? Respect and apology to Aborigines, but no
privileges. Same rights for everyone. What happened in the past is over,
today is another day preparing us for a better tomorrow.
I have no idea how I can be elected as a next Australian PM but if this
scribbling have any value, help me to be elected.
Or pass what is good to existing political parties for implementation. If
elected, I promise that my cabinet will include members of all major
parties for continuity, with exclusion of incompetent or vicious
politicians who didn't show any results before. For example, I can't see
any role for Tony Abbott, Downer or Vanstone, but Costello or even Howard
(if start to tell only the truth), Latham, Rudd, Faulkner, Beasley,
Stott-Despoja, Bob Brown, Harradine and Pauline Hanson are welcome. Again
, this is only my opinion which can be changed if you convince me.
2004-08-29 01:18:27 UTC
Bloody hell, why aus.sport.shooting? We are peaceful people here, please no

2004-08-31 00:43:21 UTC
Post by Seb
Bloody hell, why aus.sport.shooting? We are peaceful people here, please no
Peaceful? With the guns? LOL
